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View of a construction housing site with workers building a roof and wall and two women recruiters in the corner

How Do You Gain Competitive Advantage? Easy – Use The Right Construction Recruitment Agency


Manny Hussain

October 25th 2021

5 min read

Why use a Construction Agency?

Let’s face it, time-consuming recruitment is not the primary role or focus of building and construction executives, nor of site managers. And searching for that ideal job can leave even the most experienced and qualified job seeking candidates tearing their hair out.

As a construction employer, the planning and managing of your project to a smooth completion or, as a job-seeker, the carrying out of your day to day construction duties, are your respective primary roles. Recruitment may well be your secondary role but if it impacts on your primary role and takes you away from that, then it could cost you heavily in the overall scheme of things.

Running the building project and ensuring all the numerous construction roles are filled in an efficient and cost-effective manner can be a daunting prospect and distracting from your main role of getting on with the job.

Or looking for that right job, in the right location at the right pay rate, with minimal deductions in payroll fees or those dreaded umbrella fees, can be a most frustrating, costly and time-consuming experience.

That’s where choosing the right construction recruitment agency at the outset can be vital in providing you with a huge helping hand. As a rule, there are a range of benefits in using a construction recruitment consultancy or agency to find your workers – or to find your ideal job role if you are a construction worker.

Construction recruiters are doing this job 24/7 and have the key essentials to quickly deliver saving you time, money and, in many cases, helping to preserve your sanity! It simply makes sense to leave this important role to the experts but, as with everything, choosing wisely to start with is absolute key.

Not All Construction Recruitment Agencies Are The Same…No, Really!

Using a niche recruitment agency can be hugely beneficial to either your search for workers or your job search. But using an agency that has specific and specialist industry experience and offers comprehensive industry insights into your sector or has established relationships is the most important single factor.

These years of industry experience will make sure that recruitment consultancies and agencies have established and extensive relationships with potential employers, sometimes as sole supplier, and a very large database of both jobs vacancies and available workers across all trades and sub-sectors. This will ensure you maximising your reach and either your vacancies are filled or that plum job is found quickly.

However, an extremely important factor is gaining a happy and stable workforce and that means using an agency that is loved by its workers not only for its efficiency but because they don’t charge umbrella or payroll fees. These fees are hated by worker and after tax can amount to a further deduction of £20 or £30 per week from pay packets. Ouch! One agency in particular does NOT charge the workers any fees whatsoever, is Recruiteasy ( This keeps their trades and workers happy with no nasty surprises in their pay statement each week. A happy worker is an efficient worker, it rubs off on their colleagues too and contributes to an efficient project for you.

Those Hidden Jobs and Hidden Workers!

In many circumstances, only recruitment agencies will have the right and available workers on their books who may not be visible elsewhere, or advance knowledge of projects coming to an end and a workforce that will become available.

Some employers and some workers will have exclusive relationships and that means you will miss out by either not using a construction agency or by choosing the wrong one. So read reviews and testimonials to make sure they have top ratings.

Recruiteasy’s recruitment consultants have a full understanding of the current job market and a thorough background of working in the construction sector, equipping them with a good understanding of your day-to-day issues. So, it’s second nature to them to understand the needs of professionals, site managers and job seekers within the sector and into such things as salary insights, role certification, training and health and safety issues.

They also have unique access to many employers and to numerous quality trades and skilled workers that you may simply not be able to find elsewhere.

Salary Negotiation and Advice

Recruitment agencies are in the best place to offer advice on the finer details of the recruitment process, and particularly when it comes down to salary negotiation and recommendations. The agency can negotiate on the behalf of both parties in order to agree a mutually established rate – and remember those all important payroll fees can make all the difference so avoid them if you can.

The agency will ensure that the right to work, qualification, experience, reliability, health and safety issues, contracts and pay scales are all settled and written down before any work starts and this will protect both the employer and the worker. If both parties are well aware of each other’s expectations from the outset, it will maximise the chances of a happy and long relationship. Experience in the industry and local and geographical benchmarks will be known to the agency and leave both the employers and the workers with the best possible deal.

Yes there will of course be a cost to employing an agency but you will be surprised to find that with the right agency, that is ethical and honest, the overall cost savings could well mean it works out cheaper in the long run.


Searching for a job or looking for workers can be a full-time job in itself and is an extremely time-consuming and frustrating process – particularly if you only do it once every few months or year. Starting cold can waste much time and leave you frustrated with the process. It’s also very costly to your pocket whether you are an employer or a job seeker.

As a job seeker, searching through all of those job vacancies, tailoring and sending your CV, cover letters and application forms can leave you pulling out your hair. And as an employer, sifting through all the chaff to find the wheat can leave you drained and bitter at the experience. It’s certainly a lot to bear in mind.

Your job hunt or quest to find workers worker can be made much more manageable and a happy process when supported by an experienced specialised recruitment agency. That’s why making the decision to utilise an agency at the start rather than weeks or months down the road after you have wasted much times and experienced all the frustrations will leave your state of mind intact and eliminate all that unnecessary stress.

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