The UK Government’s Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has released new figures revealing that annual housing supply shrunk starkly on 2020-21 by 11% to 216,490.
The net figure for extra dwellings is the best and most reliable measure of UK housing supply.
There were 194,060 new homes built with 23,790 gaining change of use, 3,870 from conversions, 530 other gains and a loss of 5,760 through demolitions resulting in an overall figure of 216,490 net additions in 2020-21.
A previous high for net additional dwellings of 223,530 was reached before the financial crisis in 2007-08. This had dropped to 124,720 in 2012-13 but had increased to a peak of 242,700 in 2019-20. The recent figures are the lowest for 5 years.
The Policy and Campaigns Manager at Propertymark, Timothy Douglas, said: “The UK Government’s latest figures on net additional dwellings paint a deeply worrying picture as industry data tells us that demand is far outstripping supply in both the sales and lettings markets meaning there could not be a worse time for housing delivery to plummet.
“Despite the steady upwards trajectory of new delivery since 2012-13, the UK Government still had some way to go to deliver on their target of 300,000 new homes per year by the mid-2020s. Based on these statistics, it is looking extremely unlikely they will achieve this.
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